Nursing under the blossoms...

I've always said to mum's that visit with young babies - when you need to feed them, we stop. It'll be a much more successful shoot with everyone happy and comfortable for a start but above that, your little ones needs should come first. With that in mind, I arranged to meet Daisy and August after visiting the beautiful blossoms in Heacham this spring to make something truly nature inspired - a nursing photo session with mum and baby. Breastfeeding is a choice, wonderful for babies and we fully support any mums that made that choice whether you're feeding baby during a booking with us or in the supermarket when your little one gets hungry.

Thank you to Daisy for stepping forward for this. I admire you so much!

Breastfeeding is a mother's gift to herself, her baby and the earth. ~Pamela K. Wiggins